Today I baked cookies. Normally this would not be blog-worthy, but the kitchen I baked them in is the size of a postage stamp and my knowledge of cooking could fit on a postage stamp. Twice. Size 16 font. So this was monumental.
After much scraping and muttering I got the cookies of the sheets and onto cooling racks. Wait… cooling racks… yeah, we didn’t get any of those from the bridal shower or wedding. 17 spatulas and wooden spoons, but no cooling racks.
We did however get a new toaster oven (Thanks, Mom!) with a teeny-tiny grate. That’ll have to work! And it did.
Nathan has yet to taste them and my cookie affair warrants my opinion negated. So the verdict is still out on how they taste.
This adventure in baking is really the first I’ve experimented with cooking on my own without Nathan here to guide me or answer questions and I think it will turn out to be a success. It’s given me some confidence to explore some other areas of cooking, and who knows maybe I’ll venture into becoming the full-time cook! (Unlikely, as Nathan likes cooking)
Being home all the time has taken some getting used to. I’m not used to being home like this on top of the fact the first few weeks we were married Nathan was home a lot. I liked having him home, and him working full-time and third shift has been rough.
I get bored at night home alone. I clean, but the apartment is small (If the kitchen is a postage stamp, the apartment is a postcard – the whole thing can fit in your pocket) and it doesn’t take long to tidy up the place. I’ve already cataloged our DVD collection and organized the closet.
Nathan works so hard, and he does it so that I don’t have to work. I have school to focus on and that’s most important. He’s wonderful and I couldn’t ask for a better husband. And so I hope I can treat him to more special surprises such as chocolate chip cookies.
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